I really don't know what's involved (re: permissions or programming), but couldn't you just grab today's daf from the home page of either e-daf.com, dafyomi.org or some other similar site? Both of these pages already show the current daf and you would not have to do any calculations yourself.
Wonderful application. I always had a problem remembering the Hebrew date. Now I see it every time I go online.
One request: Could you add the current daf (in the Daf Yomi cycle) to the "tip" box (that shows when you point to the date)?
Thanks. Tizku l'mitzvos.
Thank you four your attention.
I'll investigate the possibility to add D.A.F to the extension.
Thank you for any suggestions.
I really don't know what's involved (re: permissions or programming), but couldn't you just grab today's daf from the home page of either e-daf.com, dafyomi.org or some other similar site? Both of these pages already show the current daf and you would not have to do any calculations yourself.
Have a k'siva v'chasima tova.
Thanks again.
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