Saturday, November 05, 2005

Reported problems (v1.0.2.8).

- conflict with foxytunes (FF 1.0.7) (not found in v1.0.2.26);
- hcalendar doesn't work with FF 1.5rc1 (fixed);
- hcalendar doesn't open "Hebrew Calendar" page (FF 1.5beta2) (not tested yet);


Anonymous said...

I noticed you have it turn red on shabbat. Nice touch. But now that it is doing that, it should change back to regular color at one hour past sunset (not at midnight), but then it has to know your lattitude and longitude or city, whic would be a lot of work :(

What is next, something that tells you what Parsha we are on ;-)

Anonymous said...


Versoin is working for me on FireFox 1.5 RC 2 just fine !

Only the presentation (display) of the day and Year are strange and odd: instead of # 4 for the month's day, it should read 'ד , and if you already display תשס"ו for the Year - the number 5766 is unnecessary !

Also, I can't wait for the release of Hebrew Calendar for Thunderbird 1.5 RC 2 & Mozilla Suite 1.7.12 !

Keep up with the excellent work,


Anonymous said...


Versoin is working for me on FireFox 1.5 RC 2 just fine !

Only the presentation (display) of the day and Year are strange and odd: instead of # 4 for the month's day, it should read 'ד , and if you already display תשס"ו for the Year - the number 5766 is unnecessary !

Also, I can't wait for the release of Hebrew Calendar for Thunderbird 1.5 RC 2 & Mozilla Suite 1.7.12 !

Keep up with the excellent work,


Anonymous said...

The "Open Hebrew Calendar" does not work in version in FF 1.5 RC1. It shows month and year selection, but not the calendar itself. Everything else works very nice though.

Igor said...

- Feature "Changing date (and color) by sunset" is placed in my plan. I hope to start feature's implementation in this month.
- You are right: "Open Hebrew Calendar" does not work in version in FF 1.5 RC1. I try to solve the problem. Temporary, reasons of the problem are not understood.

Igor said...

thank you for ideas. I'll investigate implementation of the suggested features.

Igor ZC.

Igor said...

Hi, tammy,
I am glad to see you!

Thank you for ideas. I'll try to add hebrew day in next build.

I don't want to remove "5766". Unfortunately we (I speak about my friends) don't know Hebrew calendar very well. I hope to implement user's settings (you will be able hide 5766 and somebody show 5766) in the future.

You can download release with Thunderbird & Mozilla Suite support from:
Thunderbird 1.5RC2 not tested!
Will be tested this week.